September 10, 2024
General Meeting & Welcome Back Brunch! Meeting Time: 9:30am Brunch Time: 10:00am Where: Graner Music Cafe and Recital Hall RSVP: Sylvia Holt, NCTM Bring something to share! |
October 8, 2024
Teaching Debussy This presentation will introduce approaches to teaching Debussy using three of his works: Reverie, his first Arabesque, and Clair de lune. I will demonstrate ways his compositional style reflects use of harmonies for color as well as progression, how he melts bar lines, and how the pianist can incorporate balance to create washes of images and sound. (An optional performance of the three above-mentioned works can be offered after conclusion of the presentation.) |
November 12, 2024
Dalcroze/Eurhythmics (a system of rhythmical physical movements to music used to teach musical understanding). The Dalcroze philosophy can be used in many different ways for groups or individuals. In this interactive class, we will explore various ideas for meter and rhythm and solfege that can used for students of different ages and abilities. |
December 10, 2024 General Meeting & Holiday Potluck Brunch BRING YOUR MUSIC FOR THE USED MUSIC SALE! Meeting Time: 9:30am Brunch Time: 10:00am Where: The Home of Dr. Joan Sawyer 24 Polo Circle Colorado Springs, CO 80906) RSVP: Sylvia Holt, NCTM Bring something to share! |
January 14, 2025
Master Class - Selina Manson, Clinician. |
February 11, 2025
The Importance of Breath/Breathing in everyday life and music performance. The goal of this presentation is to demonstrate how to incorporate mindfulness techniques into music teaching. Deep breathing and mindfulness stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the autonomic nervous system in charge of counteracting the effects of stress in our minds and bodies. Visualizations, breathing exercises and mindful movement are part of every lesson I teach. Because of this, my students are capable of a more focused and efficient learning experience because of these techniques. This session proves why practicing mindfulness along with our students allows us to develop awareness, engage with each other during lessons and fully experience the joy of making music. |
April 8, 2025
Lecture Recital: Keyboard Music of Eastern Europe: a journey from 19th century Poland through 20th Century Caucusus Mountains region. Starting with the eastern regions of today’s Central Europe we will sojourn through music of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and further east until we reach the geographical boundary separating Europe from Asia, the Caucas Mountains. Elements of folks music from ancient cultures and traditions intertwine with Western musical traditions to tell a compelling musical narrative. |
May 13, 2025
Meeting & Year-End Potluck Brunch/Officer Installation General Meeting and Spring Potluck Brunch! Meeting Time: 9:30 am Brunch Time: 10:00 am Where: The Peel House 1515 North Cascade Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80907 RSVP: Sylvia Holt, NCTM Bring something to share! |